
Organic Coffee

  • Person cupping coffee

    Honduras Angel BBs (Fairtrade Organic)

    Some coffee beans are graded as too small to meet certain export requirements. But don't let the diminutive size of these Angel BBs fool you! These are high quality beans that would otherwise slip through the cracks on the coffee sorting table and result...

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  • Heyvis Sagastume

    Honduras La Aguja (Fairtrade Organic)

    La Aguja is the name of the farm owned by Heyvis Sagastume, the oldest of three brothers who run seven family farms and a wet milling operation on the northeastern foothills of the Santa Bárbara mountain.This microlot offering consists solely of...

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  • A barista cleans a portafilter in preparation for making espresso

    Leftist Espresso (Fairtrade Organic)

    For over 20 years our baristas have pulled shots of Leftist all day, every day - so can you blame us for being obsessed with it? The name Leftist derives from a rationally fundamentalist interpretation of coffee blending: complementary single origin...

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  • María Perez, a staff member from Sol y Café, in a coffee field.

    Peru Sol y Café (Fairtrade Organic)

    In the northern highlands of Peru lies Jaén, a small coffee town in the Cajamarca region. While its footprint may be modest, its contribution to coffee production is as mountainous as the Andean ridge in which it rests...

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  • A close up of many hands sorting through coffee cherries.

    Guatemala Guaya'b (Fairtrade Organic Bird Friendly)

    Guaya'b means "mutual support" in the indigenous Mayan language Popti. Nearly all of the 600 members of this 34 year old cooperative are of Mayan descent. The cooperative invests in sustainability, as demonstrated by their many certifications:...

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  • Ripe coffee cherries on branch with rolling hills in distance

    Ethiopia SCFCU (Fairtrade Organic)

    The Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (SCFCU) has been an institution in southern Ethiopia for over 20 years. Since its founding in 2001, SCFCU has grown to represent 80,000 individual farmers across over 50 primary cooperative societies making it...

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  • A ladder leading up to a coffee tree.

    Mt Pleasant (Fairtrade Organic)

    As change is the only constant, we wish you inner peace and safe journey along your path. Mt. Pleasant is a local landmark here in Ithaca, serving as a corridor to the region’s most beautiful natural areas and botanical gardens as well as a gateway...

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  • A hammock hanging on a patio.

    Deep Disco (Fairtrade Organic)

    Reunited and it feels so good. Our roasters revived a retro favorite from days past, reminding us, thankfully, that disco ain’t dead. This polyrhythmic blend is one coffee roasted two ways and then remixed to boogie. Featuring all of the old school...

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  • Picking beans at the Ketiara coop.

    Sumatra Ketiara (Fairtrade Organic)

    This coffee comes from the Kopepi Ketiara Cooperative in Aceh Tengah region of Sumatra. Ketiara began exporting coffee in 2013 and boast 1502 members in 19 different villages, the majority of whom are women. Led by forward thinking chairwoman Ms. Rahmah,...

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  • A coffee flower.

    Stargazer (Fairtrade Organic)

    Like thousands of stars beaming majestic light through the dark expansive reaches of the cosmos and laying themselves across your wandering gaze. Stargazer is a wondrous journey of flavor, announcing bright and sparkling notes of sweet fruit which fade...

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  • A shot of espresso being pulled.

    Righteous Espresso (Fairtrade Organic)

    In coffee, as in life, we believe flavor is expression and extraction is fluid. With this in mind we created Righteous as a complement to our signature Leftist; as a co-conspirator for any coffee program that is anything but binary. Righteous puts...

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  • small structure with drying coffee on patio in front

    Mexico Decaf de Agua (Fairtrade Organic)

    Not all decaf coffees are created equal nor are they treated with the care and intention that we believe they should. We source the coffee according to our ethical and quality control standards prior to the decaffeination process, ensuring that high...

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