
Wet Hulled

  • Picking beans at the Ketiara coop.

    Sumatra Ketiara (Fairtrade Organic)

    This coffee comes from the Kopepi Ketiara Cooperative in Aceh Tengah region of Sumatra. Ketiara began exporting coffee in 2013 and boast 1502 members in 19 different villages, the majority of whom are women. Led by forward thinking chairwoman Ms. Rahmah,...

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  • A cat sitting on a motorcycle.

    Sumatra Gayo Highlands (Fairtrade Organic)

    Sumatra is the largest island in Western Indonesia and, through a combination of its volcanic soil and rainforest climate, produces some of the most well known and unique coffees in the world. Further adding to its already distinct flavor profile, coffee...

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