
Sumatra Ketiara (Fairtrade Organic)

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Tasting Notes:
brown sugar, dried date, sweet lil cinnamon spice cake
fairtrade organic

This coffee comes from the Kopepi Ketiara Cooperative in Aceh Tengah region of Sumatra. Ketiara began exporting coffee in 2013 and boast 1502 members in 19 different villages, the majority of whom are women. Led by forward thinking chairwoman Ms. Rahmah, they are not only known as leaders within the region with respect to coffee quality but also in how they prioritize women's empowerment, education and land ownership. This has established a stable market for coop members, often yielding three times the average price in an otherwise volatile, male dominated market.

Variety: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catimor
Process: Semi-washed (wet hulled)
Altitude: 1,200 – 1,500 meters above sea level

Fairtrade: Yes
Organic: Yes