

  • Drying racks at Kenya Kabngetuny.

    Kenya Kabngetuny (Fairtrade)

    Kericho County may not have the same prominence in the coffee world as its not-too-distant cousin to the east, Nyeri County, but in the last decade it has established itself with a standard of...

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  • A building at Kenya Kabngetuny.

    Kenya Kericho Highlands (Fairtrade)

    Kericho County may not have the same prominence in the coffee world as its not-too-distant cousin to the east, Nyeri County, but in the last decade it has established itself as a standard of...

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  • A ladder leading up to a coffee tree.

    Mt Pleasant (Fairtrade Organic)

    As change is the only constant, we wish you inner peace and safe journey along your path. Mt. Pleasant is a local landmark here in Ithaca, serving as a corridor to the region’s most beautiful...

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  • A shot of espresso being pulled.

    Righteous Espresso (Fairtrade Organic)

    In coffee, as in life, we believe flavor is expression and extraction is fluid. With this in mind we created Righteous as a complement to our signature Leftist; as a co-conspirator for any coffee...

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  • A coffee flower.

    Stargazer (Fairtrade Organic)

    Like thousands of stars beaming majestic light through the dark expansive reaches of the cosmos and laying themselves across your wandering gaze. Stargazer is a wondrous journey of flavor, announcing...

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  • Picking beans at the Ketiara coop.

    Sumatra Ketiara (Fairtrade Organic)

    This coffee comes from the Kopepi Ketiara Cooperative in Aceh Tengah region of Sumatra. Ketiara began exporting coffee in 2013 and boast 1502 members in 19 different villages, the majority of whom...

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  • small structure with drying coffee on patio in front

    Mexico Decaf de Agua (Fairtrade Organic)

    Not all decaf coffees are created equal nor are they treated with the care and intention that we believe they should. We source the coffee according to our ethical and quality control standards prior...

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  • Coffee in the cooling tray of a roaster.

    Eternal Flame (Fairtrade)

    A blend so nice we cracked it twice. Eternal Flame is our go to dark roast perfect for long mornings and late evenings. Our roasters balance science, art and magic to take the coffee past the sugar...

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