
There is something new under the sun for coffee drinkers who love dark roasted coffees as much as they love coffees with a sense of place. We’re excited to announce our new Highlands coffee series: regionally specific blends with intricate flavor profiles, sourced from individual farmer groups and roasted to a degree that brings pleasing depth and complex richness to your mug.

Washed Processingvaried flavor notes from fruity to silkyThe coffee cherry is mechanically depulped and placed in fermentation tanks for 12 - 72 hours at a wet mill, then rinsed and dried.

Beginning Monday March 20th, 2017, we will donate $1.00 from every bag of our Rally Blend coffee sold online and in stores to community nonprofit organizations. Funds will be split between Ithaca Welcomes Refugees and the International Refugee Assistance Project. Both organizations provide critical, life-saving aid to refugees in New York State

If you've browsed our offering list in any capacity, you've no doubt noticed the emblems that we assign to different coffee. Some of these icons, such as Rainforest Alliance and Organic, are general third party certifications for commodity products, such as coffee, cocoa, etc.

In 2012, Omar Arango rebuilt his mill at Finca San Luis with the help of Gimme! Coffee and our generous customers. For every bag of Finca San Luis coffee sold, we sent an extra $2 directly to Omar to help with the New Mill Project -- in addition to the premium prices we already pay him for his delicious coffee. This was a major step for Omar and his farm, and we appreciate your help in making it happen!

Recent Barista Competitor Lanny Huang and I went to visit the shop of Dana Paul of Tamperista, the man who has been custom making Barista tampers over the past few years. Dana began the quest to create a tool that would best fit the Barista, by removing the need to compensate for a one size fits all instrument, which would allow Baristas to fully immerse themselves in their craft.