Mexico Decaf de Agua
Not all decaf coffees are created equal nor are they treated with the care and intention that we believe they should. We source the coffee according to our ethical and quality control standards prior to the decaffeination process, ensuring that high quality, organic and Fairtrade certified coffee ends up in your mug. The caffeine is removed using the Mountain Water Process method, utilizing the magic of osmosis and keeping the natural flavors of the coffee intact. Best of all? It’s a Mexican coffee processed in Mexico at Descamex, the first decaffeinating plant in Latin America - reducing its carbon footprint.
Region: Chiapas and Veracruz
Altitude: 1,000 - 1,550 meters above sea level
Cooperative: Cooperativa Triunfo Verde
Process: Mountain Water Process decaffeination
Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Costa Rica, Marsellesa