Honduras Angel BBs


Some coffee beans are graded as too small to meet certain export requirements. But don't let the diminutive size of these Angel BBs fool you! These are high quality beans that would otherwise slip through the cracks on the coffee sorting table and result in lost income opportunities for producers. With careful sorting we create a future for this often overlooked part of the coffee harvest, which means producers are able to receive the revenue they deserve. This rich and comforting blend comes from the smallholder farmer members of the Cielito Lindo cooperative in Honduras.

COOPERATIVE Empresas de Servicios Múltiples Cafetalera Cielito Lindo
REGION Santa Bárbara
VARIETY IHCAFE 90, Lempira, Pacas, Catuai, Bourbon
ALTITUDE 900 - 1,650 meters above sea level
SUSTAINABILITY Fairtrade Organic

